Tag: clear

  • Clear Anger

    Clear Anger

    What it comes down to, and hypnosis proves this, is what you don’t know and what you ignore, can and does hurt you. What you are pushing away continues to operate on its own even without your understanding. Thus we have episodes when we “act out of character.” We “don’t know why I did that.”…

  • Clear Goal

    Clear Goal

    What does it mean when you hit a wall of the “I’m not sure what I want”? What do you do to get clear on a goal to manifest something? You look at what you are noticing. Then notice what you are feeling. Note any disagreement between what you are giving your attention, and what…

  • Clear as a Dream

    Clear as a Dream

    So yes, basic elements of green magick… They don’t use complex chants or symbolism, math or astrological correspondences beyond knowing the state the moon is in. The vocal component tends to be more like animal sounds, or a child’s babble. Ever hear a shaman during ritual? Native American? Any actually, but to most that’s often…