Tag: design

  • What is Design?

    What is Design?

    Tonight’s Design of Intention subject will either help bring clarity, or muddle things much worse. Some things are like that I guess. First I will ask, what is design? Placing elements together in a pleasing arrangement. How about “structured intention”? A wild surmise. Excellent, both are of course correct. Does something other than you control your…

  • Design Your Experience

    Design Your Experience

    Who has design as part of their career or former career? Where do you start when you are going to create a design? I do research. Decide what mood I want to create and then look at other work that creates that mood. I think about it and wait for an idea. Idea and then collecting…

  • Design Your Personal Ritual

    Design Your Personal Ritual

    How do I activate the third eye to use gold magick? How do you activate the third eye or how do you use gold magick? They are not necessarily the same thing. First, how do you use gold magick? Gold magick is primarily ritual magick. Originally, the rites of gold magick were solar veneration rites,…