Tag: emerged

  • How Life Emerged

    How Life Emerged

    How this all related to electricity… Well, there was an old model of how life emerged that has been thrown out a while ago. The notion that inert chemicals would spontaneously form the necessary structures and enzymes that would lead to the formation of living cells. The molecules did form but then failed to do…

  • Satyrs: Emerged into Mythos

    Satyrs: Emerged into Mythos

    The Roman strigoi and Greek maenads might have been heavily influenced by the satyr people, to the point of imagery such as the thyrsus being present. The thyrsus is an older version of the rod of Aesculapius. Aesculapius himself having been said to have been tutored by the satyr/centaur chiron. The Norsemen were big horsemen were…