Tag: enjoy

  • Enjoy Your Beliefs

    Enjoy Your Beliefs

    Do you think religion is in our DNA? The God gene? I think sensitivity is in our DNA, and more sensitive people are attracted to religion much the same as sensitive people are attracted to art. Like attracts like. Yes. The law of sympathy. It could be argued it’s necessary for our very survival. I…

  • Enjoy Dysfunction

    Enjoy Dysfunction

    I don’t know why we are here, but I’m pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. Ludwig Wittgenstein Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Enjoyment is certainly a wonderful thing, but life presents such a variety of things for a reason. By things, I mean experiences. What value would life have if…

  • Enjoy the Simulator

    Enjoy the Simulator

    Are we talking about differing “states” of mind? Or are we talking about different “styles” of thought? Or any, or all of the above? Or are we talking about mechanical/neural processes? We are talking about something people don’t normally talk about, the “self” behind states of mind. This self can function within the environment of…