Tag: fully

  • Fully Awake

    Fully Awake

    Everything that’s going to happen already has, space-time? Yes, but it’s alive. So yes, blood is going to my feet, it is going to my brain too. You can own up to it all, and be whole in space time. Be all of the energy that you are, rather than just cold feet. I would…

  • Being Fully Present

    Being Fully Present

    We all have our own reality shaped by our current and past experiences. My perception is as real to me as another’s is to them. This is true, but can you say you are fully engaged in your personal perception? If so, can you share what that is like? Wow. I do not think I…

  • Opportunity to be Fully Present

    Opportunity to be Fully Present

    So what it comes down to is this… You are what you think you are, and you also are what you think you are not. You don’t identify everything as being something you are not, but you do come across these things ever day in other peoples behaviour  (or so you think) or in philosophies…