Tag: gifts

  • Shamans Gifts

    Shamans Gifts

    Perhaps some examples. Shamans actually tend to specialize. It was considered that a Shamans gifts and personal spirit suited them better for some things than others, though they did explore the spirit world in general as a rule. Everyone familiar with Crazy Horse? Or from eastern society, Genghis Khan? Khan was very famous, and he…

  • Gifts from the Earth Mother

    Gifts from the Earth Mother

    For those who may feel they have no connection with an animal guide, some clarity is in order. In the shamanic model of the world and reality, everything you have, every gift, talent, trait, was received by you as a gift from the earth mother herself. So if you are spry, you got that from…

  • Borrow the Gifts of the Animals

    Borrow the Gifts of the Animals

    Just as animals can learn to imitate us, we can reawaken the parts of our own song that harmonize with their own. We can in a sense borrow the gifts of the animals. We are of course off key, and nowhere near as strong as the original species, but this can still be very useful.…