Tag: grace

  • Guided Grace Meditation #13

    Guided Grace Meditation #13

    Feel the connection with the energy of the earth. Build an energy ball and fill your body with beautiful blue-white light. Expand the energy, encompass the earth and heal with Reiki and Divine Grace. Guided Grace meditation recorded at the Oracle Gate on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the Second Life group ‘One World, Many Paths’…

  • Grace Message Meditation #14

    Grace Message Meditation #14

    Remember your divinity.  Remember you are not powerless. Learn to use your energy and shift your awareness to a better reality. Decide to make a difference. Guided Grace meditation and message from the spirit world recorded at the Oracle Gate on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the Second Life group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss…

  • Grace Message Meditation #15

    Grace Message Meditation #15

    Feel a connection between the earth and the sky. All is energy. Change your interpretation and your perception. Enjoy this spirited Guided Grace meditation and message recorded at the Oracle Gate on Reflection Island in the online virtual world of Second Life. “We are not to think of ourselves as victims of fate… We are…

  • Grace Message Meditation #16

    Grace Message Meditation #16

    See your energy stretching out, feel your roots going down into the earth. See yourself as a connector point, see yourself as energy and see situations as energy. Create with your heart. Enjoy this energy work Guided Grace meditation and message from the spirits. Recorded at the Oracle Gate on Reflection Island in the online…

  • God's Grace

    God's Grace

    We are all equally present in this reality. Accepting this is tolerance. The opposite of tolerance is delusion. The idea that you can exclude something because you don’t like it, or the idea that you can ridicule someone because they seem to have a deficit you do not. All of us are to some degree…

  • Grace


    I have, and may in the future, behave in ways that people would consider cruel and without guilt. Why is that? One act of charity is to live and let die. Charity is not only about giving presence, accepting presence, but also allowing that presence to behave according to its own nature, allowing presence to…