Tag: imagination

  • Imagination Moves Actions

    Imagination Moves Actions

    Many people think a resolution can succeed by force of will. Has anyone had that work? I remember a man saying that he had to quit smoking, just by being stubborn. He went back to smoking and died of lung cancer a year later. Had he not had such an extreme stance, he might not…

  • Own Imagination

    Own Imagination

    We all know people who plan well. The best planners are very “imaginative” people aren’t they? The poor planners usually can’t describe what they intend to have happen. They cannot visualise the end result. Some very good planners I know have no imagination, but can focus on an end goal. Ah indeed, and they usually…

  • Types Of Imagination

    Types Of Imagination

    Imagination goes deeper. All knowledge is imagination. The very field of philosophy that examines knowledge itself “ontology” is itself the practice of checking imagination for good syntax and nothing more. All scientific theories are imagination. They become principles when they seem consistent. Basically, when the process for reality checking holds up with them. Let’s look…

  • Imagination Is Real

    Imagination Is Real

    Perception is imagination. Awareness is not. Awareness is that center from which we can experience any aspect of your experience or being. It is also called the “observer” in some popular texts. Have my statements left much to the imagination? You can tell the quality of a statement because it will have “resonance” in your…

  • Natural Imagination of Dreams

    Natural Imagination of Dreams

    How do dreams relate to imagination? Dreams are the base line or “natural” imagination. They are the purest and potentially the most balanced form of imagination, and where your mind nature and heart nature can surface with the very least distortion. There are a lot of things I can’t “think” about. Sometimes my head gets…

  • Parts of Imagination

    Parts of Imagination

    Precognitive thought, as I am familiar with it, occurs in that space that your senses register the world around you. But you haven’t started thinking about it yet because you don’t believe you control what your senses perceive. They can learn patterns that you aren’t consciously aware of, and sometimes they offer a finished pattern…

  • Mass Imagination

    Mass Imagination

    People have been shown to be able to do amazing things under hypnosis. They haven’t yet done anything that seems outside the realm of public reason entirely, but they do accomplish things that they personally believe themselves unable or unwilling to do. People fear their personal imagination would be exploited, so it’s easier to just…

  • Satyrs: Beyond Imagination

    Satyrs: Beyond Imagination

    To start, what do we already understand about satyrs? They are horny. Goat legs and horns. They chase and seduce nymphs. The unknown, a level of human consciousness that has proven all pervasive throughout history, contact between cultures, especially those first contact moments, were often filled with misunderstanding evidenced by the example of the first…