Impulse Originates Thought
Have any of you ever had a day when you had no impulse to do anything at all that day? Have any of you had a day where you had no impulse to act? Are you saying that a day spent doing nothing is a day well spent? Yes, and I’m also saying that when…
Behaviour As Impulse
I will start with a question. What is impulsive behaviour, friends? Acting without thinking. The idea of doing without thinking meaning an absence of brain function? Yes, at that moment absent of brain function. Doing something quickly without thinking in advance. Could be just something learned like driving. We don’t think much to know how…
Source Impulse
On the subject of impulse, there is a difference between the impulses of the mind and compulsive behaviour. Eating when you are hungry is an impulse. Eating cookies because you are depressed is compulsive behaviour. One or two cookies is ok, but most don’t stop at two. One or two cookies is just fine. The…