Tag: magical

  • Magical Insight

    Magical Insight

    The four states of matter themselves seem to exist in tension, seemingly destroying each other. But for water “destroying” fire (read “transform), there is no destruction. Destruction is not even possible. Now let’s apply this to impersonal conflict. Instinctively, we don’t make any choice for the purpose of destruction. The subconscious mind doesn’t even have…

  • Magical Thinker

    Magical Thinker

    Anyone care to share a challenging decision they recently made? What I will share is rather strange, but I think may be illustrative anyway. I personally never face difficult decisions. My own instincts, if you will, are almost strictly autotelic. I am motivated more by innate experience than goals or objectives. I really don’t entertain…

  • Magical Thinkers

    Magical Thinkers

    One of the universal aspects of human cognition is we are all magical thinkers. No matter how rationalistic you may try to make yourself be, we form and retain information in patterns of association, sympathy, relationship. Yes, a person who avoids this is pretty dull. They have also established something very interesting. Perception is not…