Memetic Content
Everyone familiar with memetics? It’s like genetics but relates to the communication and reproduction of units of culture, information and communication. Your memories of your life are filled with memetic content, popular music, scenarios from commercials on television, movie scenes both old and new, as well as stories and images from events that were considered…
Memetic Reinforcements
We have our own personal filters. We form these filters unconsciously. They are digested thumbnail maps, or pictures of life, and our experiences with any specific set of circumstances. We may feel good in the kitchen because one of our filters tells us we know what to do there and we do it well. On…
Memetic Poison
So language, and specifically mathematics… This is the long path coming back around to today’s intended subject of Benford’s Law. The foundational axioms of math are coming into question. They aren’t holding up well in the face of our progressing insight into the natural world around us, and our math has value only to the…