Tag: mother

  • Gifts from the Earth Mother

    Gifts from the Earth Mother

    For those who may feel they have no connection with an animal guide, some clarity is in order. In the shamanic model of the world and reality, everything you have, every gift, talent, trait, was received by you as a gift from the earth mother herself. So if you are spry, you got that from…

  • The Love of a Mother, The Connection of a Twin by Ken Myers

    The Love of a Mother, The Connection of a Twin by Ken Myers

    When I was child my mother told me about the day when I was born. I am going to share this story with you. The day that my mother was going to give birth to me she was in the river washing the family clothes. For that time there no washer machine in my house.…

  • Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Just as nature was understood by the trees in the forest, language was understood by the characters in the words, and different combinations of characters, even if they didn’t actually make recognizable words, were still thought to have power, to make an impact. The creation of words and speech was seen as no different as…