Tag: projected

  • Trust Your Relationship to the Projected World

    Trust Your Relationship to the Projected World

    I ponder “Getting himself ‘together.’” Dreaming is getting yourself together. Brain synching the neocortex with the rest of the brain arises from the brains habit of “checking” the self, making sure all your parts are still there. Since we can’t really tell truth from falsehood in an absolute sense, why not just accept everything as…

  • Ourselves Projected onto the World

    Ourselves Projected onto the World

    So yes, we cannot control our behaviour, but we can control our perceptions. What does this mean really? Well, let’s look at perception. Our first and baseline perception is peace versus disturbance. Everything is ok, or something is wrong, and if something is wrong, then can we usually focus on anything else? Not too easily.…