Tag: still

  • Still Your Mind

    Still Your Mind

    I contemplate grim things in my life. I admit this freely. And some others think that I do harm in these dark meditations but I see them in the “light” of the bigger picture. I just admit my natural inclination. Anyone ever practice scrying? When you affix your gaze in scrying, into ink or water…

  • Still Just Communication

    Still Just Communication

    We assume alien life is out to destroy earth. If they were, earth would be long gone by now. They have no interest in destroying earth. Many of their technologies use principles and resources that have nothing to do with anything on earth, or our region of phase space either. Strange matter is really very…

  • Humanity Still Procrastinates

    Humanity Still Procrastinates

    Procrastina- tion is when we put off doing something now even while knowing it will be worse for us later. It’s a spiritual issue with a long history. The earliest written account of procrastination we have is from ancient Egypt. The account from ancient Egypt tells us of issues that arose from putting off farming…