Category: Guest Articles

Unexplained Medical Miracles by Elaine Hirsch


Medical happenings are usually easy for experts to explain. Their expansive knowledge of the human body gives them the ability to accurately determine both the cause and effect of most cases. Medical transcription experts and doctors have been adept at recording their knowledge and experience. For example, the velocity of a person falling from a tall building will be enough to shatter their bones and puncture their organs. Every once in awhile, however, a medical case comes along that stuns citizens and medical professionals alike, and the only explanation is that a miracle occurred. When this type of thing happens, it leaves a lasting impression on the mainstream.

According to the New York Times, a thirty seven year old man named Alcides Moreno survived an impossible fall when his window washing platform plummeted forty seven stories to the ground. Alcides’ wife and the doctors involved described the incident as a miracle, since most people do not survive even a ten-story drop. Even more surprising, Moreno should be able to walk again after several surgeries. Adding to the miracle, Moreno opened his eyes for the first time after the accident on Christmas Day. According to standard medical knowledge, Moreno’s fall should have killed him on impact.

Paralyzed from a motorcycle accident for two decades, forty-seven year old David Blancarte regained his ability to walk in the strangest way. Mr. Blancarte was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider, one of the most deadly arachnids in the world. While recovering from the bite in the hospital, a doctor attempting to measure the nerve function in David’s legs discovered that the nerves there were not dead after all. David had always prayed that he would one day recover the use of his legs, and his prayers were answered. Social worker Cynthia Wilson has deemed it a miracle, and the once-paralyzed David can now walk short distances without the use of crutches.

Terry Wallis was in a terrible car crash that damaged his brain and put him into a vegetative state for twenty years. In 2003, against all possible odds, Terry woke up. The word miracle was being used to describe this dramatic turn of events, since waking up after so long is rare to the point of being almost impossible. Some doctors believe that Terry’s brain spent the entire two decades healing itself in the vegetative state. While this explanation seems to discount the possibility of a miracle, it’s important to note that doctors were not even aware that the brain had this capability. Terry is by no means in top condition, but hopefully his quality of life will improve after more medical treatment.

Doctors have tried hard to explain each one of these cases. Horrible accidents happen every day, often with disastrous results, and maybe we could use a few more miracles where everything turns out right.

Elaine Hirsch
Guest Blogger
Dragon Intuitive

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