Category: Personality

What is Personality?


What is personality?

How someone conveys themselves to others.

It is what makes uniqueness. Your own personal set of behaviours.

A spirit of some kind behind your behaviours. “Doing something with personality.”

Is it just about behavior or public image?

I think it has emotion in it. Doing something with feeling. How often do we do that? How often do we do anything “like we mean it”?

I’m sure anything we do is for our own personal reasons, but they still might be lies. Pretending it is for you when it isn’t, or vice versa. To look at the science behind it, we actually do things for personal reasons very rarely. In general, we spend our day looking for social and physical cues, and reacting to them automatically with little reflection at least in the moment as it occurs.

Being social is a selfish thing, fulfilling a craving we have to connect to people. Being social is a necessary thing, a vitally necessary for survival thing. We will even suffer very physical symptoms if we are socially isolated for too long. The immune system gets very weak. Everything in our physical make-up tells us if we aren’t with or around other human beings, something is horribly wrong. Metabolism becomes very inefficient. Complete social isolation will as effectively mutilate their mind as if it were surgically altered.

Babies quickly will suffer if they are left alone too often. Cuddles are life to a baby.

Personality does seem to be something beyond just upbringing and genetics. Two people can behave the same yet have very different personalities.

If personality is behavior, then all of our behaviors are learned. If personality is that set of physical sensations that go along with our physical state, then that is genetically inherited. When we begin our lives, there are two elemental factors, two things serving as the primal root of every developmental stride we ever make.

In the first case, you have the impression of the genetic template on the senses of the new individual, and genetic reproduction has never produced carbon copies. Even identical twins are not a hundred percent identical. Every instance of human birth is a combination of innumerable factors, and the second vector is the sensory imprinting itself. Those first experiences of the world, regardless of how the organic senses flavour them.

Is that why birthing centers are becoming more popular than a noisy impersonal hospital room? They want to give the baby a very positive first experience? That is indeed why.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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