Category: Antipathy

The things you feel you control are just a small subset of the data your brain processes. The rest we habitually treat as ambient, try to convince ourselves it’s meaningless to us. It isn’t.

The brain prioritizes it, looks for stresses and disturbances and instinctively tries to steer around them without engaging your conscious awareness of problem solving.

You aren’t actually indifferent to anything though consciously it may seem so. Your body and neurons don’t have a neutral state. You either have an approach or an avoidance response. Your entire experience of any place you are in is coloured by those.

“My tastes in music tend to favor anything my kids don’t like, out of natural antipathy amplified by a sort of malicious glee.” Gregory Maguire

  • All Images Resolve

    All Images Resolve

    Today, we are talking about antipathy, something that is a part of everyone’s experience but something we don’t think much about. We tend to consider our perceptions as simply being taking in what there is to see in the environment, but in many ways this has been proven untrue. Studies of memory show that we…

  • Your Shadow World

    Your Shadow World

    You have a conscious world, and, to adapt a Jungian archetype, a shadow world. That place we fear to go, that place we fear is our destiny, that place we fear could creep up on us at any moment. You have seen your shadow world in your dreams when your subconscious mind recognizes a pattern…

  • World Psyche

    World Psyche

    I would offer that we can get a good sense of the world psyche in the realm of internet culture. Is that unfair to say? How would you describe culture on the internet? Is it consciously chosen? Structured? Interacted with or guided in any way? Feral? There are different groups. There are indeed different groups, but is…

  • Opportunity to be Fully Present

    Opportunity to be Fully Present

    So what it comes down to is this… You are what you think you are, and you also are what you think you are not. You don’t identify everything as being something you are not, but you do come across these things ever day in other peoples behaviour  (or so you think) or in philosophies…

  • Healthy Reaction to Your Shadow Self

    Healthy Reaction to Your Shadow Self

    What is a healthy way to react when the shadow self comes up? Ah, when the shadow self emerges remember to breath and feel. The first thing people do normally is to shut down their feeling. They start thinking carefully instead which is what keeps them locked in the negative state in the first place.…