Category: Sci Fi

Any science fiction taken far enough becomes fantasy, because the reality of the human psyche is inescapable. Neurological research is revealing that in order to have any sense of self or continuity of consciousness, we have to imagine a continuity that isn’t really there. Stated more simply, on what most people would consider the down to earth every day level of existence, we only have fantasy.

We create a fictional universe, and a fictional self to inhabit this universe, and this process goes on in what science wants to convince us is real. I deliberately apply science fiction to my life. I choose to reason with a wider margin about how things work and what might happen, even in the near future. I really think the reality straight jacket is a big force behind current stress related health problems.

“I wish everyone was a sci-fi geek because then there would be no violence in the world. There’d be no wars. There’d only be people e-mailing each other.” Claudia Christian

“The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know.” Joel Gretsch

  • Stories of Fantasy

    Stories of Fantasy

    We are talking about science fiction. In my personal view, any form of human experience has some degree of a fictional quality to it. We wake in the morning and tell ourselves stories about how the day is going to go, and tell ourselves stories that aim to reflect events as they occurred yesterday. We…

  • Reality Straight Jacket

    Reality Straight Jacket

    I am a big fan of science fiction stories, and I deliberately apply science fiction to my life. I will ask you friends, is that insane? I find the limits of scientific thinking, well… They don’t sit well with my instincts and my personal experience, and science as it stands shows heavy influence by societal…

  • Rabbit Hole of Reason

    Rabbit Hole of Reason

    The interesting thing about science fiction, for people who make it their calling, is that it’s hard if not impossible to strictly define science fiction. The farther you go down the rabbit hole of reason, the fuzzier the science part gets. There is a reason science fiction gets fuzzy. We create a fictional universe, and…

  • Machine in the Ghost

    Machine in the Ghost

    My thought is that any science fiction taken far enough becomes fantasy, because the reality of the human psyche is inescapable. If there is no god, we will make one. If there is no magick, we will create it, because it’s a reflection of who we are at our core. What of non-deists in that…