Category: Dark Angels

Angelic Dark Orders


Angel lore is very old. Some form of the concept of angel has existed in every culture. The word itself is derived from a Greek word, angelos, and was not even the word used by the Jewish culture we typically associate most of the commonly known names with. They referred to angels as Malach, the sons of god, and the term Malach could also be translated as “the powers” as it could be assigned to any being demonstrating supernatural power or influence over the world.

In the original Jewish theology and cosmogony, there were no events that occurred on earth that were not the work of god. Good or bad, it occurred because god willed it, but the various hierarchies or “dominions” did display discreet differences of character or temperament. They were not all beneficent seen from the eyes of humans. In fact, the word that we most commonly use now, Satan, was not any beings name so much as a title. It meant adversary, and any angel acting in the role of avenger or adversary was a Satan.

So, when Iran calls USA “The Great Satan” they’re just saying it is the great adversary. No Red tail or horns implied. Exactly. It’s the correct use of the word.

Now I unfortunately cannot give a line by line account or itemization of all the angelic beings or hierarchies even, but I can explore the two most dark orders.

The first and most fundamentally associated with the character that would arise from the dark lore (Satan perhaps being an Uncle Sam type figure to these beings) were the Seraphim, the burning ones. And even in those lines of traditional thought that accept the character of a single Satan, his description would place him as a Seraphim. The word Seraphim is derived from a related word sarap, meaning serpent, so perhaps Satan was the Seraphim in the garden of Eden, and very likely the bearer of the flaming sword set to bar humanity from that state of being. The Greeks also referred to the Seraphim as Drakanoi. It’s where we get the word dragon, and angels of all orders, but especially the Seraphim, were noted for a habit of fire breathing.

Perhaps of interest, the Seraphim are also the angels of charity said to derive their heat and light or flame from their passionate dedication to that virtue and its practice in the world. In Chinese and Japanese mythology, the dragons were known very often for being beneficent beings though capable of being angered, and the South American god also known as the feathered serpent was noted for being a giver of great wisdom and many practical arts.

People in medieval times wouldn’t like the correlation of dragons to angels. Nor would they like the people they took the lore from, but the Europeans had their own serpent / dragon lore as well. There being both Celtic and Norse examples that spring readily to mind. In the Norse, a serpent is one of the jailors of the dark god Loki.

The other dark order I mentioned were the Cherubim, the thrones, sphynx like beings, more monstrous than even the Seraphim are described. Where the Seraphim were the deliverers of blessings as well as punishment, the Cherubim were more exclusively punishment, thus the reference to the Satan roaming about the world like a lion seeking whom he may devour.

Funny they are depicted as cute little babies? Yes, an artistic revision, and in this case wild creative license was taken.

Nothing to do with Cupid. Not a thing to do with Cupid. The Cherubim were seen when the divine order was disturbed. They responded to strife between people and their leadership, or apostasy, which could be seen as human strife against divine leadership.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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