Category: Narcissism

Anxiety leading to Narcissism


Is there any real reason for our bodies to be allergic to things? Like certain foods? There is a real reason, yes, anxiety, and it’s anxiety that leads to narcissism as well. Shall I explore the science of that or the subjective? Or both?


There could be ways to cure allergies then if you find the anxiety. No wonder there are more allergies these days then when I was a kid.

Which to start then?

Science first.

The same part of your brain that is responsible for sensory vigilance is responsible for hormonal regulation. Your thalamus it’s called. In fact, the same neurotransmitter that sharpens your senses actually triggers an allergic response. Histamine. Histamine has many uses in the body and brain, not just inflammation. It governs general immune system “tone” or readiness to respond. This is why people with low self esteem or depression are also commonly prone to getting sick with any ol’ bug they come across.

Is that linked to adrenaline? Histamine is linked to adrenaline but separate in sets of functions, two parts of a bigger signalling system. The person who is regularly checking social signals is activating the same region of the brain that checks for sensory stimulation. The person who is strongly sensitive to self image is also strongly sensitive to how things smell and taste. This is why narcissists are so very commonly also picky eaters. Their social anxiety leads to things like digestive issues, autoimmune complications, ulcers being an example, and so though they show a strange resilience to general stress, they typically collapse due to some dramatic breakdown in self regulation later in life.

This is why the Chinese say one disease long life, no diseases short life. Their culture is set up to work against narcissistic tendencies, promoting communal and cultural vision over personal visions.

So why would a culture arise that seems to be trying to immunize itself to narcissism? This resistance is also quite common in tribal cultures. African tribalism as well as Australian aboriginal culture being excellent examples.

Maybe too much self worry hinders team work?

There is a reason why we fantasize and as much as science seems in love with the notion our brains are just poorly developed, accidentally “glitched”, under-evolved, the reason why we fantasize is because it puts us more in touch with reality rather than less, and narcissism is a step away from the collective or communal unconscious that holds the wisdom of that 80 percent of our brain function.

We get our real life tech from science fiction. Indeed.

Someone’s fantasy inspired someone to make it reality. The fantasy has been vital, so although a narcissist is a step removed from that primal force of nature that is true imagination, they are still one step closer than most of the rest of us are.

I wonder what inspired the motor car. Did they have science fiction in those days? They did have things that would later give rise to science fiction.

This is why their lives are almost universally described as being “inspired.” Tesla had a great many lady admirers. He was considered quite attractive by the days standards. He socialized freely with women but never once even considered dating. He never even experimented. Why do you think that was?

Tesla was deeply immersed in his vision. He couldn’t emotionally tolerate disconnecting himself from it in any meaningful way. This was the real difference between he and Edison. Edison was a far less imaginative profiteer. He was quite willing to run his racket. Tesla never got the knack of anything like that.

So have we described the science adequately?

A narcissist has the imagination but it’s not directed appropriately? Yes. If anything it gets distracted by the very same people they are in turn distracting. They become enraptured by what they gain from playing to the herd mentality so often stop short of developing a truly wholistic vision, a fully dynamic model of perception to back up and sustain their vision for the long term. They never learn how to truly “immortalize” themselves.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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