Category: Observation

Attention and Intention


When you share an experience in any way, there is a need to reproduce the picture or data as presented by another. How is that possible without principles governing thought? How is it we experience anything to share with another, the observer, the part that not only says I am, but also I see? The object and the subject cannot be separated.

We cannot share experience, but we do share the idea of it. Two people can sit and eat a meal, and arrive at the same conclusions regarding the meal. The consensus reality is transmitted and quite effectively. They have even discovered relatively recently, that a system of nerves in the human body which they thought had little function actually serves that exact purpose.  To reproduce patterns in others, and to plug us into that experience we saw and we’re in contact with. The mirror nervous system. The mirror nervous system also operates in online worlds. It has been proven that the mind cannot distinguish between the real and the vividly imagined, but there is a center in the mind.  The observer that does link us. It has been proven we can have empathy even with things we don’t want to empathize with, thus creating cognitive dissonance.

The observer has two modes and ideally they are in balance. It has an attention mode (perception), and an intention mode. Our intentions often seem irrational from a totally mechanistic sense. They aren’t derived in a behaviouristic way. The modes seem to have a transcendent element, and to feel fully healthy (fully alive) you can’t be one much more than the other. The intending observer doesn’t engage the reinforcing energies of life. The attending observer (the perceiving one) doesn’t generate energy to feed the reality it’s in, and thus seems to have little or no impact. So striking a balance is a must. Our society says; stay tuned, follow orders, be responsible, meaning we require something to respond to. This creates an attention imbalanced observer, but these messages are sent by intention imbalanced observers.  The industrialists who ‘do’ to get attention. Thus we have rampant disorder consequence, but do not pay attention to what they do. Injury and ill health.

The whole system is built this way, and we see it in advertising all the time. The crowds go to those who holler the loudest. It is human nature taken to an imbalanced state. Everyone just pays attention and forgets their intention, and thus are created instead of creating. Like having a long discourse and forgetting the initial question. You can even see how scattered it makes people.

Ultimately we aren’t meant to be objects or created things. People jump around from attention to attention, never creating where they are and react declaring that they are only being responsible. They don’t even react to what first gave us this ability. We can react because we eat, but we don’t react to where our food comes from. We aren’t in tune with those forces as our ancestors were, so even that balance is out of whack.

How do we use this constructively? There are simple observations; what you attend you reinforce. If I pay attention to you I reinforce your energies, good or bad and we attend what we intend, ideally at least. Thus you have the power to choose what has your attention.

Someone says she has the intention to grow and learn, but her attention only goes to it in crisis so she will be always stuck. She has an intention to avoid crisis, but her attention goes back to its cause. The power of the fact that our focus does create our reality is astounding, but not understood deeply enough.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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