Category: Morality

Déjà vu Sense


In a sense, deja vu is literally true, because you did see whatever it was before your thinking mind caught up with it, and sometimes that lag is noticeable. But this is where we get into today’s topic proper on primal morality. Sometimes deja vu seems to involve understanding that we don’t feel like we personally have or arrive at ourselves.

Oddly much of my de ja vu happens in the virtual world of Second Life. It can happen here also, just as easily as it does in real life.

It seems mysterious doesn’t it, that sense of not only having seen or heard something before, but of having had some other understanding or experience of it? Ever have deja vu accompanied with a sense of how you dealt with it differently than you seem to be doing?

I sometimes stop and think there is something I’m supposed to be doing now. This is the basis of primal morality in humans, and usually surfaces in a spotty fashion, at best, before it gets routed through all that twisted thinking people typically consider realistic.

Primal morality comes through us? Yes. Animal consciousness has a fair bit in common with human consciousness, but it has some important ways in which it differs, which has no bearing on its value as humans are fond of judging such things. Animals have a sense for the world that we might call empathy. It’s important that they be able to read the state of being or attitude of other species they encounter in the world, because this information triggers the fight or flight behaviour, among other possible behaviours.

Where my own opinion differs from scientists is I don’t believe the reactions animals have to these intuitions are mechanistic, not any more mechanical than our own behavior is.

“Survival instincts”? They are typically called survival instincts, yes. Animals do have to be able to sense intentions, both from their own species and another species as well.

Studies have shown that even plants can sense our intentions. Yes. This flow of information is steady, more constant than our internet communications, or any active human communication really, and they almost never lose touch with it.

Don’t we access this information also? We do, though usually not consciously. Humans have a belief in what they call the unconscious, and I guess it’s a useful idea for describing their relationship to those parts of their mind not involved in what they consider to be thinking.

Like when the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, and you know someone has bad intentions for you. Indeed. For animals, their consciousness is like what we might consider a dreaming mind to be like. How moral do you experience your dreaming behavior to be? Do you behave normally in dreams? Notice your behaviour seems impulsive and often strangely aggressive? That is your inner animal, but it has to process ideas and sensations that are generally out of touch with that natural flow of information I mentioned earlier. The inner human animal’s dream world is impaired in its empathy. It’s out of the loop as far as life balance goes, though this isn’t totally the case.

My inner animal keeps missing all the classes until the final chemistry exam pops up? And your inner animal rejects mandatory intellectualism. Those dreams are a protest.

Why is it impaired? The reason the inner animals dream world empathy is impaired is because humans place thought above sensation.

I kept having screaming dreams last night and they kept waking me up. I wasn’t screaming but the dream was. You feel cornered. Your inner animal is angry, perhaps close to berserk.

So screaming in a dream is literally a call to the wild? Yes, indeed.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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