Category: Adoration

Engage the Higher Powers


Adoration in its original sense was the veneration or even worship of a higher power. We still acknowledge higher powers today. Principles, if not entities, that are seen as absolute in their nature and influence. But for all these things that make us feel so small, is there much of a sense to them, a rhyme or reason to these powers that govern us?

Principles. Our society adores time. Actually, society despises time. Time is still pretty clearly understood to be Chronos who is also the Reaper.

Adoration used to provide people some sense of security. A sense of order in the world even if they didn’t like the object of their adoration. The practice was seen as the backbone of social and spiritual stability. Do we have social or spiritual stability these days?

Temples have been structured based on the human need to give adoration. The altar is put front and center so it gets first and primary attention. Along the walls you have other symbols and ritual objects that are situated to create space for adoration. Adoration as a form of consideration or meditation.

Do we gravitate to religion to fulfill the need of adoration since we can’t find it elsewhere in life? Yes, but we fear the idols are all false. This is why organized religion has become such a madhouse. People are trying desperately to continue to adore what they fear is more of a Howdy Doody type figure than a genuine divinity.

This is because we were designed with fear causing wonder. Fear and wonder are the same thing. They both have their origin in the unknown. This is perhaps why we do not wonder when we feel we now understand the reason why something happened.

So we acknowledge that there are truths present in the world, but do we choose to consciously align with them? Deliberately engage them?

I’ve been noticing how people are generally engaged with things based on past conditioning vs. their own decision even when they think they’ve decided. Can or do they engage with things “like they mean it”?

I have witnessed MUCH monkey see monkey do in me! It all depends on which side of the coin I am viewing. That is an honest insight. I respect that.

Let me rephrase my question. Do they engage the higher powers with passion or actual enthusiasm? Enthusiasm comes from the Latin entheos, which meant to be inspired. What about atheists? People not inclined to give worship to a spiritual presence or principle?

Atheists can be taught as well. They self-teach.

I think many atheists are liar’s, or they are not sure what to believe. Everyone lies. It’s the nature of the lie that matters.

So in what situations do you genuinely feel alive? When do you or can you genuinely enjoy life?

When I decide what I believe is right? To indicate clearly one point of view, you inevitably must distract from another. Clarify one thing and you always obscure others. The refusal to tell a lie is the refusal to speak.

Music can make you feel truly alive. Things like rain and wind and heart beats.

Being in nature, feeling the earth as alive, being connected to other people through physical, intellectual, musical moments. These make me feel alive.

Excellent. How much do you let your attention focus on those things? Do you put them first in your life? What would happen if you did?

I get great results and witness immense willingness. Excellent.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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