Category: Discernment

Legacy of Emotion


It’s always been my experience that the world makes no effort to deceive humanity, but instead that we, through our culture and education and personal prejudice, wind up deceiving ourselves. It’s not entirely a voluntary process. All those regions of the human brain function on their own whether we want them to or not, and like weather or other environmental shifts, they can impair us as often as help us. Perhaps also like weather more often impeded our function than not. Is this not true of the normal weather?

But the reason we stumble over our own mental functions is not because they are by themselves defective. We are lead to believe that we “are” those mental functions which means we have no power to make choices about or navigate our way through mental events.

You can’t change or control what you just supposedly are. So I will ask, have any of you ever made a choice despite your thinking on the matter instead of because of it?

Yes, and I usually regret it. I rarely regret it, but we may have different experiences regarding this. To my own awareness, the function of the brain is not really any different than say the stomach. When we feel our stomach, become aware of it, what do we call that?

Hungry or nauseous. Hungry is a mental construct and can be in error. It can lead people to overeat and the same with the concept of nausea. Notice how readily these judgements pop up? When the stomach gets our attention, it’s a sensation. How is it any different when our brain gets our attention?

I was going to say the brain forms words, but perhaps the stomach does too. The stomach has a whole range of states it can convey to us, and it could be argued that the ears form words. If we were never a hearing species we would never have been a speaking species.

People who can’t hear have a very hard time learning to speak, and usually most people are not completely deaf. They just have a very limited ability to pick up and translate sound.

I’ve been around profoundly deaf people. They are very silent in their movements too.

So how is it we experience this life we are so concerned about?

Through our senses? And yet any given sensation can register for one person differently than it does for another. Pleasure for one may be pain or disgust for another.

Science is now coming to the opinion that our emotions are hard wired behavioral survival skills as they all seem to be ingrained into our motor and sensory centers and often have very marginal contact with our “higher” functions neurologically. This is why an emotional attack can hit before you have had time to think. How would we experience our lives without this legacy of emotion?

It would be very slow, everything backlogged. Many lives of course would be lost as no one would ever be startled. A lot of car collisions. What other consequences would there be?

I think emotions protect us many times. In that case, would we be well served by thinking that supports and enhances emotion?

Do you think bad dreams can warn us? I think they can and do. They translate changes in our health and brain, give us direct experience of what are otherwise more subtle changes of perception while we are awake. Subtle, but very important. People often have fear responses when they dream of being engulfed in darkness. Our brains know that impeded senses are a bad thing.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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