Category: Psionics

Mastering Empathy


Mastering empathy would at first be especially daunting, because as much as our intellect would like to just restructure and redefine our every faculty, our bodies fortunately won’t let us go too far too easily, and a potential active emapth would have to learn to respect the internal landscape. It takes discipline which is especially hard as the uncontrolled activity of the empath’s talent is often very uncomfortable. They have to be willing to temper something that you may have convinced yourself is just self, just who you are. It may even feel like you are attacking yourself but really you’re just attacking old pointlessly restrictive bonds. Once those are severed, the resulting emotional freedom is quite a relief. It is a big challenge.

But moving on from there, you come to see emotional energy as a resource like water or heat. You can learn to gather and store this resource, focusing it into useful systems like healing or physical augmentation. It tends to be difficult to channel into more “cerebral” pathways as it never takes on a structure that is very compatible with computational process.

But most natural empaths wouldn’t be much disturbed by that limitation anyway. Some people even accidentally develop an actual system of applied empathy. That person who is always the calming influence wherever they go, or the person who always enlivens a fun loving mood, is always described as “the life of the party” even when their own behaviour isn’t that wild and festive. They may be quite calm and relaxed, but subconsciously everyone finds reasons to explain why that person feels fun to be around.

An empath will have trouble meditating. They have more success with it when they can externalize it, linger in meditative environments, or participate in meditative ritualized activities. Zen sand raking is great for them.

So are they both introverts and extroverts? Indeed, empaths can be either introverted or extroverted depending on how they feel most comfortable trying to cope with their sub-cognitive experience of the environment.

Sometimes both. I myself am ambivert. I test that way even when I’m trying not to. I guess it’s why people think I must be having a grand old time when I talk or do talks. I guess my motives would be hard to read, harder than someone who is more naturally one way or the other.

Well, you have explained them to us. Yes, though explanation can be more alienating than bridge building. Like having to explain a joke something is lost in the effort to connect. It might seem less genuine to the person who it was explained to.

Have I explained emapths adequately? Is it helpful or useful in some way I hope?

Yes it is. It reminded me of quite a few friends. They tend to be attracted to groups like this though focusing and making headway in these practices is often hard and frustrating for them.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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