Event Calendar


Support the teachers and friends of One World, Many Paths and attend their events in Second Life. Genuine seekers and open minds are welcome.  Entrance fee is courtesy and respect. Comment this page on what topics interest you for future classes.

Note: Events are posted for Pacific Time Zone.

Visit and subscribe to ‘Spirituality for Living’ to read and listen to past topics discussed. Earnestness is fine, but if you come to one of our events just to tell the one directing it that they are all wrong, well you don’t need to come. If you think anyone else is full of BS, then fine, don’t waste your time to correct them. A zealot is always a fool, an ardent isn’t.

One World Events on Reflection Island:

Note: Class schedules will vary. Watch group notices inworld for any last minute schedule changes, and click on the location below to teleport in Second Life. Also, you can get caught up on past topics discussed at Spirituality for Living.


Title: “Spirituality and Metaphysics” – Canceled
Teleport: Hall of Creativity, Reflection Island, Second Life
Description: Seth’s talk on spirituality, belief, and metaphysics. A different aspect of our nature each week. Visit ‘Spirituality for Living’ to read past topics. Class is in text chat. Comments and questions are welcome, but this is NOT a discussion group. Topic suggestions for future classes are welcome.
“The great prophets were described as madmen.” Travis Saunders
Traveler: Seth Haalan
Time: 12:00 pm Pacific Time Zone
Day: Sunday


Title: “Meditation”
Teleport: Elemental Towers and Oracle Gate, Reflection Island, Second Life
Description: Come to the island at any time and use the orbs at the elemental towers to balance your chakras. Also meditate to the Tibetan Throat singers and the Gregorian chant orbs at the Oracle Gate.
Heretic: Self
Day/Time: Always.

We are continuing to recruit more teachers. If you or someone you know is interested in holding a class and you think it will compliment our purpose, contact Seth Haalan in Second Life.

Be well friends,
Dragon Intuitive

Categories: Uncategorized

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