Full Immersion in Consciousness
I’ve heard that self talk goes away when one is enlightened. I’ve noticed that it goes away when I’m watching TV or a movie. What is going on there? Well, science has another word for the processes I have been describing, and they are discovering more and more about how it happens, why it does…
Accessing Fluid Intelligence
Do you know how you think? Can you describe to me how a thought happens? I don’t think I can describe it, no. I know I can’t or at least can’t verbalize it. I see something and make an association. It usually just seems to ‘pop’ up. I go through levels of “re-activeness.” Most of…
Exploring Sensory Experience
First off, what is meditation as you understand it? The practice of focusing in the present. Witnessing with clarity in continual interactions. A quiet, peaceful and inward process. All true. What is the purpose of meditation? A variety of purposes. Sometimes I just do it to get myself back on a relatively even “keel.” To…
Activity Occurs Through You
So any questions or comments about today’s topic of Meditation? Did I cover it adequately? Yes, very much. I liked the part about making your brain like a target and being aware of it without looking directly at it, and that’s meditation. You aren’t your brain or any other single part of your body. And…
Striking the Target of your Brain
Attention is like breathing. If you want to understand the landscape, get to know it better before you try something purposeful, then watch what it does on it’s own. Watch where your thoughts and feelings go on their own. If you do this you will see why your life and the world as you know…
You Experience You
What things become associated with what other things has nothing to do with those supposedly independent things. There are no independent things. Even you are not an independent thing. What gets associated with the next thing depends on your personal attentional behaviour. Attentional behaviour is also called intention. My attentional behaviour will differ from yours.…
You Are The World
How much of your life seems autonomous? How much of your life experience seems to happen on it’s own? A lot more than I previously thought. Science would say it all does. It’s a very popular view in the mainstream scientific thinking. The more I notice, the less it seems to be me. I feel less…
We Are Meant to be Active Components
How do you know when you are thinking? To know that you are thinking there has to be a you and then there has to be thinking, something the you does. If thinking is something the you does, then it shouldn’t happen unless you do it. Is this not so? I can gauge how well I…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…