Compromised Memory
The basic building block of the human body is the cell, yes? The material that supposedly retained the memory is not lost or eliminated so there is no material loss to go with the memory loss. What would you think is the brain of the individual cell? Nucleus. Well, what is the brain of matter? Connections.…
Every Atom is a Point of View
We perceive that we live in a single world, but there is no single world. No world is a closed system and none can exist independently of the whole multiverse. We think of other universes as existing somehow removed from our own. In one theory, even in a far removed region of space. This is…
Our Capacity to Access More
The most basic assumption of the dominant thinking on reality right now, that model which seeks to dispel all forms of magickal or intuitive thinking, is simply stated. There was nothing, and then there was something, the big bang. The very basis of their argument against magick, that you can’t create something out of nothing,…
First and Last Rule
The default reality is not what Bohm called the explicate reality, it’s the implicate. The strange behaviour of quantum phenomenon is not the big mystery, certainly not a fringe phenomenon. Our concept of matter and particle physics is the fringe or shoddy thinking. Decisions. They are not what they seem to be. Humanity romanticizes a…
Investigating the Universe
Causality is something neither denied nor well accepted by conventional scientific thinkers. Many are heavily invested in a world view where any apparent order is supposedly incidental. Science has not been able to refute causality though, nor causal integrity. The big problem is that scientists, as well as society as a whole, tends to see…
Home Fu
So shall we describe the ultimate creative meditation? With each activity undertaken mindfully, with growing depth of experience in this mindful activity, new associations can be formed. If you combine mindful cooking with mindful cleaning and household upkeep, you will arrive at a way of being at home. This way can come to be like…
Break Your Rules of Thought
In general, creative meditation is learning to break your own rules of thought in a conscious, self directed way, and the easiest way to do this may be in active mindfulness, active meditation. What’s something routine you do without thinking? I will use an example. Myself, I dislike cooking. I want to do it, both…
Advocate for the Devil
Is being enlightened having everything you contact hold your interest? Ah, excellent question. It is. Compassion is having everything hold your interest. Artists feel compassion for their art. They describe their creative works as their children, even begin to imagine their art has a desired destiny, place and state of being. Artists typically experience some…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…