Way Out of Apathy
The way out of apathy? Are we ready to discuss that? The way out of apathy is comprehension, not education. We are freed from apathy when we begin to understand life as the individual living beings we naturally are. We are free from apathy when we aren’t looking for social roles, judging our partners when…
Dealing with Apathy
The cure for apathy? What do people do to try to deal with apathy? Find something new? Novelty seeking. Things to remind them of what is more important. They find kids or pets to play with or video games or movies. Games are one of the more healthy responses to apathy though not actually healthy,…
Purpose of Disengagement
Are we served by holding beliefs that block or discourage our paying attention to life and the world around us? Is it in any way practical? When I was younger, I had ‘rose coloured glasses’. I realize now that made me an easy target. Ah, another statement of apathy. In what way? Your belief discourages…
Don’t Know, Don’t Care
What is apathy? Not caring. Being disengaged. Don’t know and don’t care. You brought up an important element of apathy as an experience. Most of the time when we experience apathy, it’s when we are confronted with a situation we don’t know how to deal with. In this information age, it would seem that engagement…
Law of Infinite Universes Application
So shall we get to actual application of the Law of Infinite Universes? The process of manifestation is governed by the confirmation of attention, so our pattern of attention may resist the possibility of the thing we seek to manifest. The way to allow the manifestation through is to ask yourself, to find the answer…
Differentiation from Other
How do we differentiate from each other? Each consciousness generates an event field, a wake from its own activity. These event fields, the byproduct of the conscious process of attention, contact and interact with other such fields. Individual consciousness, individual minds, exist as degrees of freedom in what they are calling the zero point field.…
The Recognizing Gate
What do you define as consciousness? Energy pattern? Consciousness is the recognizing gate. Consciousness is the black hole beyond which there is only an entire universe. One theory of the multiverse holds that our universe and all universes exist on the inside surface of an infinitely dense and intense singularity. So that would be one…
Your Personal Universe
The parallel universes are enmeshed with each other. Each being in our universe is its own universe, its own set of shifting energies and physical patterns/behaviours, perceptions, observations. The supposed physical constants of the universe are no such thing. The range of variance shows some necessary constraints just as your voice has a necessary limit…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…