Attempts at Connection
Goozle. That interjection, does that have meaning? Only if I relate it to “Google” or some such word. I will offer that it does not have meaning because it bears no actual connection to anything else. It is not a word, but see what your mind did with it? Yeah. John Lennon’s poems, like. Your…
Meaning in Belief
Another example then. Only the existence of human life is good. Can I draw any further inference from that? There can be no isolated human life. Isolated from other life forms besides human. So that belief would be meaningless, yes? So to go further… If life’s existence is good, and the forms in which life…
You Crave Inference
You crave inference because you crave identity. You crave survival. If this process of ongoing inference, ongoing assumption, is disrupted, you will even kill to reestablish it. Does this sound absurd? You will even seek death to re-establish it. Martyrdom. What reality do you have beyond your beliefs? It’s not at all absurd, especially considering…
Sacrifice For Meaning
Is there nothing you would sacrifice your happiness for? Has happiness ever actually made you happy? There are many things, but then I suppose I’d become “happy” with that sacrifice. Yes. What would you sacrifice your happiness for? Someone I loved. Most of my life I was trained that others’ happiness was more important than…
Looking for Reference
Is pain an absolute value? If pain is an absolute bad then we would never need to make a new choice. Ever felt bone on bone? My own pain experience is more sense on sense. Sounds so loud I can’t even feel my own bodies position in space. Sights so loud I struggle to hold…
Pleasure and Pain
So, beliefs… Why do we form beliefs? Why do we seem to need them so badly? Meaning. To provide coherence among disparate circumstances? It seems they are a constant source of strife. A sense of context. Our brains and minds are dependant on inference. They are also a source of group identity, pair bonding, child…
Magical Thinkers
One of the universal aspects of human cognition is we are all magical thinkers. No matter how rationalistic you may try to make yourself be, we form and retain information in patterns of association, sympathy, relationship. Yes, a person who avoids this is pretty dull. They have also established something very interesting. Perception is not…
Life Lived According to Facts
It’s very popular to declare that it’s doesn’t matter what a person believes, isn’t it? That somehow there is more validity in “facts” than in “beliefs”? Seems so, yes. The facts matter more. On what basis is that argument made? Do we perceive the facts, honestly? No. The phrase ‘the truth is the truth’ is…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…