Secret Meaning
Why aren’t people discovering secret meaning in books all the time? Well, it’s simple. Many books are not written to contain the world. Modern books often are dwarfed in spirit so could work a little only, or not at all. Would the language used also be part of why not? With English, it’s hard to…
Word Magic
Bibliomancy is divination using books, or more specifically words. Some form of bibliomancy has existed for a long time, from runes to prophetic poetry. Is all about the power of words … i ka ‘olelo ke ola, i ka ‘olelo ka make. In the words the life, the health. In the words, the misery, the…
Life With Reverence
I’ve often wondered if laws are a stop gap compensating for the lack of insight because of how we have objectified everything. With no reverence we need laws? With reverence you could not disrespect your neighbour, and of course bad law is not law. You could not steal, nor turn your back when they were…
Separation From Spirit
Man does not live of bread alone, but of the spirit. Not of objects, but of the spirit behind them. There has been a huge loss of faith in religious leadership lately, all across the world and in many faiths. Why is this? Money and power, politics, dogma. What’s missing? Reverence for their founding principles.…
Sum Of Life
Basic is pride. “I am better then the others.” To know where your life is going look at what you revere. We’re likely going after it? Good points. Self esteem is good, but often not as people practice it. If you have a sense of reverence, you cannot belittle the observer, but arrogance is not…
Guided Grace Meditation #7
Guided Grace meditation recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Events in real time. Subscribe to One World Pod and also connect with Vampy online at deviantART.com. Podcast music provided by Magnatune: Acoustic Earth – Electric Sky, David Modica. Enjoy friends, Dragon Intuitive
Honouring The Spirit
The topic is reverence, but perhaps it’s relevant. If you follow medical and genetic / neurological studies, it’s more or less been established that we are inherently creatures of faith. There have even been extensive studies on the relationship between faith and health/recovery finding a scientifically viable positive result, but we live as a society…
Keeping Reverence
Too much like or dislike can be very narrowing and corrupting. It seems to lead to obsession, which certainly is unhealthy? A computer metaphor is in order. Dichotomous thinking causes fragmentation, which causes loss of moral integrity. Obsession blocks adaptability, and nature and life are a flow. Flow and you live. Stagnate and you die. Can…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…