Distributed States of Consciousness
So, how does trance relate to dance? You have felt more than you have stressed. You feel more than you enact or dramatize. You are conscious of feeling only what you resist in your thinking. Most people feel by contrast to thought, not because of thought. The trance can bring down your resistance to the…
The Primordial Dance
So free will, how you might actually be a conscious and actively participant in the dance… If you look for free will in thought, you will fail to find it. There are just hints, never anything that will convince you. Have you found your genuine basis for choice in your thinking? I’ve noticed that. It…
Crisis of Faith
Let’s use a metaphor. If you are standing outside of the dance hall, the music sounds noticeably distorted. Most peoples conscious point of view is from there, and they start talking about things like money and moralism, obligation and rectitude or lack there of. Righteousness is a popular term with the religious set. Everyone feels…
Wheel of Commerce
Does Europe have a Thanksgiving equivalent? Nothing so major. Slighter earlier there is a thing called a harvest festival but that’s just for the Christians I think because I never saw it again after I left the Christian school I was at. Someone pointed out something I’d never really noticed about American traditions of Thanksgiving…
Numerological Order
What is Benford’s Law? I thought maybe I should get down to that. It’s a pattern that emerges in various applied fields of mathematics. That the number “1” seems to occur more often than other numbers in data-sets? Ah, you summarized it well, but it goes further than that. As much as many scientists would…
Expressive Channel
Is there a paradoxical circumstance here? Culture which enables us to “adapt” actually reduces our adaptive capacities? Exactly. The corrective channel is not gone from the human mind, from human experience, but it is more and more vehemently disdained. The stress, this channel in our minds is experiencing, is leading to more and more wide…
Memetic Poison
So language, and specifically mathematics… This is the long path coming back around to today’s intended subject of Benford’s Law. The foundational axioms of math are coming into question. They aren’t holding up well in the face of our progressing insight into the natural world around us, and our math has value only to the…
Tribal Understanding: Capacity for Language
Another example, the old legends of humans talking with animals was seen as absolutely nonsense. More and more, brain size seems less likely to play a role in brain power. Even things like sea slugs seem able to perform cognitive functions that would seem impossible, even microscopic worms, and some of these organisms don’t even…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…