Category: Visualization

Parts of Imagination


Precognitive thought, as I am familiar with it, occurs in that space that your senses register the world around you. But you haven’t started thinking about it yet because you don’t believe you control what your senses perceive. They can learn patterns that you aren’t consciously aware of, and sometimes they offer a finished pattern to your thought. It pops into your imagination in a really vivid way because it comes from the same part of your mind that has direct access to your senses.

Like the body becomes an antenna, tingly spider sense? Yes. I believe it’s real, and can be improved with systematic visualization.

What is the difference with precognitive thought and intuitive thought? Intuitive thought is the awareness of space in thought. I also call it metacognition though the scientists who also use that term haven’t yet included intuition into the field of metacognition. I also believe it can be enhanced through systematic visualization.

Intuition involves others whereas precognition is more internal and personal? Intuition is more cognitive where precognition is more perceptual. They both can be either personal or involve others.

When you get “a feeling” it’s usually pretty accurate even if you can’t really give the feeling a name. Indeed, it is. You can’t give it a name because it occurred well before the language function of your mind got a hold of it. Only regular thought occurs after.

Is this all part of imagination? It is all part of the imagination, and so is all of your consciousness as your ability to form a coherent picture of the world at all is based on the ability to take in a slew of abstract stimuli and figure out what it all is, what it all means, and it means what you have practiced it to mean. The percentage of your sensation that actually has a strictly organic base is really not very great. The amount of sensation that amounts to your body telling you about how well you feel is pretty limited. The rest of what you experience is all filtered or visualized.

So life is what we believe it is? Well, not just what we as individuals believe it is. Anyone hear of projection, or emotional contagion?

The best practiced things show up in our physical behavior. Every other imagination is mostly on probation. Neuroscience also shows that you respond not only to your own sensations, what your senses tell you, but also to what you instinctively recognize in others. When you see other people reacting as if a thing is bad, you reflexively imitate that bad reaction. Likewise, if you see others reacting as if something is good or exciting, you also imitate that reaction. It’s an automatic reflex.

But we don’t always do that? No, not always. There are exceptions, but even in exceptional cases there is still some portion of the persons experience that is in agreement with other people.

I am thinking about prejudices. We don’t always follow suite. The reflex always happens. But that doesn’t mean you accept or believe it. Your mind can rapidly filter out projections that it has imagined against.

That is like instinctual pack behavior, the reflex? Yes. It’s an innate part of our nervous systems development, but like any reflex it’s subject to modification, selective expression.

So you have in fact been practicing not one form of visualization, but two. Your private imagination and your social imagination, and your social imagination tends to win out over your personal imagination or “will.”

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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