Category: Anxiety

Questions from Questing


Questions come from quest, from seeking, not identifying what we disengage from and don’t believe in. We question based on what we believe might be true. Perhaps we know nothing at all, and all our knowing is just self expression. Does that invalidate it? I would put forth that there is no reality in an absolute sense, but there is a virtual reality. It is our imaginations. When we imagine a negative, we create it. When we imagine enemies, we become one. These are very real.

When you break something down without a sense of its center, you wind up with a broken down thing and then a very scary sense of the mortality of the world. But the broken down thing is not the thing. It is an essence that ever allowed it that form. A very analytical person likely sees a lot of details in life, and this is what gets in his way. Likely sees the bits, and how he can become bits, and how things seem to operate regardless of any seeming rhyme or reason. Heuristic thinking lets nothing survive intact. When you think in divisions, for or against, you create divisions. Even in rejecting divisions.

We trust that some things are true, and here is the real truth. Nothing is true and everything is permitted. Faith is trust that something is certain. Trust is the true will. People generally have more faith in fear, and it’s more attractive cousin doubt. When we doubt things we say we are being realistic, reasonable, but in what way does doubt empower? Why would we allow doubt to take up our imagination? Error correction? Does doubt allow that or does testing? Do we test things because we doubt them, or do we rather tend to ignore what we doubt? Do we correct what we ignore?  I don’t see doubt doing that, doubt comes after questions not before, and often arises from distaste for questioning.

A child explores what intrigues them, they don’t doubt what disturbs them. The child moves forward and learns from interest, not doubt. They imagine the world is available to them, that is the natural and first imagining. Regrettably it’s often quickly and brutally discouraged. It was a functional view. Has learning to doubt anything made your life better at all?

Those who imagine they are irrational behave irrationally. When very often they aren’t any less rational than the rest of us. The rest of us just imagine we are rational. I question the public model of the rational, and it has plenty of evidence that this idea of rationality isn’t rational. You imagine a fear and make it real. Why not imagine the reality of your achievement? This was very functional for us as children, and is how we learned so much. Until mommy and daddy saw how much we were imagining and forced their imaginings on us.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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