Category: Acceptance

See The Now


See the now and not the future. The secret to seeing the future is realizing there is no future. What you can imagine happening will not likely happen. Will it?

Is there no pattern to recognise? There is, and this pattern is why you can manifest. But you can’t manifest while you are busy futuring.

You can maybe make a good guess? No. If you guess then you aren’t accepting. The idea that you have to guess is an automatic rejection.

We know what it is now, and then we’ll know what it is in the next now. People have a problem with this present moment idea. We think what we know now has to be what will be in the next now. And you only know what you accept. If you don’t accept, then you don’t know.

Example. I accept the communications I get from people around me, and I accept the states of imagination and emotion I am in at any given time. Doing both of these things lets me see that these “separate” things are not separate. So knowing my states and knowing what’s communicated to me, any foreseeing the future is simple “math”, metaphorically speaking, because at no point do my states leave the confines of my environment. If they do, then I can predict nothing, decide nothing as well. I sometimes wonder at how other people live with all this thinking that they can control things by “controlling things.” Every time I have seen someone exert control on external things, I have seen their life crumble.

That is why the villains fail? It is exactly why, yes.

Reflecting on it, there is very little acceptance around. And a very great deal of villainy.

Everything I would do, and everything I would influence has part of me in it, part of “my self” in it, which means there is nothing beyond me and nothing beneath me.

I notice people are often attracted to the villain. They like the bad guy image. They likely see themselves. There is a reason for that. Yes, part of it is identification, but also the villain is at least willing to make the mistakes.

Does that mean they accept the bad guy? No. They are attracted to the bad guy because they have expectations about him or her, and when you have no acceptance, you subconsciously long for the one who will “rip the band aid off.”

Often the villain becomes bad because they have not been accepted. Yes, so their villainy is just an echo rejection. No enlightenment to be had there.

Think about all those super hero villains and even the heroes themselves are not always accepted. True. In fact, the line between hero and villain is very gray.

What makes one turn to crime and the other to helping people? Self acceptance or rejection, nothing more and nothing less. To use a classic hero villain pair, Batman and the Joker. Batman accepts that he’s disturbed. He accepts that he has hate and wants revenge, and in accepting this he can make informed choices about what is really “right.” The Joker denies himself, feels he just sees the world as it is, and since he has not accepted that his motive is himself, he doesn’t believe he has the choices he actually has. He even feels he’s doing people a favour by attacking the establishment that made him what he is. Batman doesn’t believe he is doing anyone any favours. It isn’t about other people for him, it’s more about his sense of justice.

Oh, this is why we like Dexter. He accepts himself so he is an evil hero? That’s the difference between the hero and the anti-hero.

I’m thinking of people who say they have compassion, but obviously no acceptance. They are scary. Religious zealots. That type were the backers behind the crusades, and the American civil war.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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