Category: Dead Spots

Shadow Consequence


I reflected on whether or not reading or listening to the news was worth the time it took. Now I scan headlines and life hasn’t ended. You should also really look at the destruction they bring, because there is no act that is not also a destructive act. Make cookies you destroy pancakes, because you already used the flour. Make love and you destroy fighting. Make fighting and you destroy peace, but not love. Make peace and you destroy dialogue. Make dialogue and you destroy attention.

Every act has its destructive shadow, and the world has a whole world of shadows that exists alongside it. But like shadows, they don’t perfectly reflect the objects they are connected to. They are instead stretched by your intention. This is why it often seem like the world anticipates your actions. Knows you better than you do yourself.

Ripples? Ripples are shadows. Ripping is destruction in as much as there is any such thing as destruction, but the shadow of an event is the unanticipated consequence as well. How when you broach a new topic you are also ending the first one, or how when you tell someone to look at something or listen to something you are also telling them to shut up. Though you didn’t actually mean to tell them to shut up, this doesn’t actually matter. You will still get the consequences of telling them to shut up.

It’s why when people jump from topic to topic. It can be off-putting. It’s a nicer way of doing so if you need to. And it’s possible you will need to.

You shift the flow of the energy? Yes.

Like changing the subject instead of arguing. Yes. You can pick a fight by refusing to fight. You can invite ridicule by refusing to take ridicule. The list goes on and on. You don’t get just what you want, you get it’s shadows as well. The ultimate secret of necromancy is choosing actions and shifting events so you want the shadows as well, or sometimes even doing things that create a shadow that you want more than the actual intended outcome. I have picked fights with people to bolster their confidence. I have made someone cry so they could ask for what they actually want. The immediate consequence I did not want, but the shadow consequence I did.

Like asking them to take over your class if they want to argue a point? Indeed, that is one example of this.

You left an opening. Yes, and they don’t take it because they wanted to put me in my place as they saw it in their heads. They didn’t actually want to take my place.

I don’t recall that anyone ever accepted your offer. I don’t have to be humiliated. Their desire to humiliate me just humiliates them. If they actually want to share with me, then they would take the opening and I could really enjoy what they mean to offer.

Fear blocks them. Yes, but their fear doesn’t block me. So they often go away angry which is regrettable, because we could have learned more.

People should be willing to argue if they are willing to learn. You don’t get both. If you know something you also fail to know other things. Anything you learned took time that could have been used learning something else, and if you get stuck on one idea, you lose all context. So being stuck on one idea means you actually know nothing. I resemble that remark, but I am not under the delusion that I actually know things. I just do my thing and try to learn from it.

I have heard if you are on the phone with someone not willing to help you, the best thing to do is to ask them what they would do in your situation. Yes. People always want to project themselves onto others, and sometimes letting them do that is useful to you, even if it doesn’t teach them anything.

I learned how to play by watching my young niece yesterday. Excellent. I feel her connection to me now. It’s there. We all cast shadows on each other.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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