Trust Is First
Friendship. A relatively recent study in the States shows that 1 in 4 people state they have no close friendships. You would think that friendship would be a clear thing and perhaps one of the simplest parts of human experience, but is it? It gets over analysed a lot. People have a lot of insecurities,…
Human Contradictions
Friendship is seen among other living creatures. This is a fact. In Canada, there is a bird that teams with wolverines. It has even developed a call that is specifically wolverine attention getting. They lead them to trees because they know the wolverine will knock a bee hive down. It’s hunting, just cooperation. The wolverine knocks…
Present The Real
You can be loved for your social image, and you will not in any moment feel loved to the degree that peoples behaviour toward you is based on social image. You will fail to ever feel really acknowledged or validated. The split is not actually the other persons fault, and it’s not under their control.…
Bottom Line
What is the human bottom line? Does anyone know? Is it the same or different for each person? Same. Is that what comes out in distress when people start to cooperate? Yes. The human bottom line is humans, but actually it can go deeper. The human bottom line is life, not love, not hate, not…
Go With The Flow
There is what you think people are, and what you actually know of them. What you know is instinctive. It arises in moments when you aren’t immersed in thoughts of them. When a guy tells a woman, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He’s not paying her a compliment. When a friend says they were…
Do What You Know
I have made all my best friends in moments when I thought I was being the biggest jerk. Because in the moments when I was being the biggest jerk, I wasn’t trying to “control” myself. I wasn’t following any rules, only doing what I had to. Acting on my real values and not a set…