Dynamic and Static
Today, we are talking about liminality. It’s a state of being. At one point in history, it was even ritually established or acknowledged, but we do still experience it today. We are dynamic creatures, creatures of habit, and we easily fall into routines and repetitive behaviours. Days tend to be “business as usual” more often…
When Choice is a Foregone Conclusion
Perhaps another question. When everything is going exactly as you expect it to, do you have free will? Are you free to make any choice you determine on? You’re more often swept away by it. Things happen so easily that the choice is lost. Perhaps a “choice” among those affiliations? Which ones to appropriate for…
Potential for Real Choice
People usually have a very short list of ‘turning points’ in their life. Those are these liminal states? Exactly, and they feel like losing your mind. We feel like nothing makes sense in those moments. We may even feel like we lack any real identity at all. It is at this point that we have…
Two Ends of a Hallway
Visualize the dynamic and static sides of the self as being two ends of a hallway. We search for “transitional objects” to get us through the hallway? In a sense, yes. If you are walking down a hall with only two entrance points, what happens if you refuse to accept the definition of your direction…
Accept Dreams as Reality
What happens when you create an intersection in this hallway of human experience? A way through? A way out! Does anyone usually realize they can go some other way than these two? Mystic or rationalist? No. “What else is true?” Our nature manifests in a naturally occurring way. In the end, nothing is true, everything…
Get Back in Touch
What if the primary things we talked about were neither business or impulses, but our instinctive experiences of the world around us? Much less stressful. Stress in the dynamic mind. One of the first things animals cue to each other, when they meet socially, is that they mean no harm, like a wolf seeking to…
Defining Yourself
There is a difference between our experience of any event and our awareness of ourselves as individuals, a space between what we perceive to be happening and what we perceive it to mean. But as we go about our daily lives, we can become so well rehearsed in our experiences that we stop really seeing…
Ourselves and Our Experience
How can we tell the difference between ourselves and our experiences? If a dog bites you, and you really hate the experience, are you a dog hater? Are we not a sum of our experiences? I offer that we are not the sum of our experiences. We are much greater than that. You will naturally…
Space Between Experience and Self
How often do we have the experience of being absent minded when we are just sitting? While just sitting, we forget who we are? Or where we are? Daydreaming. And what do daydreams consist of? Experience? Memories, imagination, images. Are they directed by the patterns of our experience? Show any real relation to our sense or…
Rejected Imaginations
We imagine that a strange animal might be a monster, because on a deeply implicate level, this animal might indeed be a predator. We imagine we might be watched by ghosts, because on an equally implicate level, we recognize that our ancestors do have feelings about what we do and say. We inherit our sense…
Experience of Genuine Love
Anyone care to share a situation that seems to drain meaning from life? It doesn’t have to be from personal experience or anything. Well, sometimes the people around me seem very “opinionated.” Having new comers to class that just want to argue. Turning away from true love to raise my family. I will speak to…
The reality that everyone needs, is the reality they came equipped with to start. So to speak to the encounters with opinionated people, some people are so afraid, so lost inside themselves that they try to make a castle of the dung heap that is reality as we are all “encouraged” to embrace it. They…