Category: Discernment

Support for Survival


Does our thinking tend to support and enhance our emotional awareness?

No. We usually try to talk ourselves out of an emotional state, pretend it’s not there. This doesn’t work though and we get more stressed.

I think it can if we know how to focus correctly, like breathing deeply.

“It’s just your emotions” is a common derogatory, intellectual response.

What of those who don’t think in the usual way? Who don’t adhere to rational standards? I expect they do it well, enhancing emotion.

How does society respond to these people? Not well. Derogatory.

What would you call decisions that protect or support your life? Your survival? Wise.

I try to do things that will put me in the right state of mind, because I realize that my emotions are more easily manipulated than I thought. Your thinking is easily manipulated. Your emotions resist your thinking. This is why you feel uneasy sometimes when you have a “Great idea!” But what would you say of someone who saved your life? How would you describe this life savior?

Courageous. Someone to keep around.

Often we see them as not rational.

Nature has done a great deal to preserve human life, provided us with powerful brains, perhaps the most powerful on the planet, and exceptional abilities to manipulate our environment. We have been privileged in that regard, but how many people are aware of this in their daily lives? If they aren’t, why aren’t they? It would seem an important aspect of reality to take notice of, would it not?

They get too busy. Busy with what? What is this human business?

Knowledge like this implies responsibility. Is it something nature seemed to equip us for? Does nature want creatures to self-sabotage? Life forms sometimes fail to adapt, but nothing in my experience suggests that failure is any sort of rule. Perhaps I’m unrealistically idealistic.

Isn’t that evolution? Failure is learning. Survival is survival. How did humanity manage to survive?

Lots of sex. Humans reproduce far less than many other species, and predation would have outstripped the human reproductive rate if that were our most important survival strategy.

We are good at adapting to changing environments. What makes us good at adaption?

If our loved one gets killed, emotions make us want to get revenge. Actually, thinking makes us want to get revenge. There is no revenge emotion or am I mistaken?

I read a story about a mother cat that got shot in the head with a BB gun. When they found her she was hovering over her kittens to protect them. She had to be carefully pried away from her kittens. She was protective but there was no revenge in her. Humanity can formulate concepts like revenge and justice, economy and nationality. These concepts don’t arise in animals. Animals can make determinations about things in their environment. Do we do it the same way animals do?

We rationalize. Rationalization. What does that do for us?

Makes us feel better. Does it make us act better?

How do we know if anyone is sane? Do we? Is not the sane person the one who shows awareness of the world around them, and seems mindful of their own well-being and that of others?

I offer that sanity is our default state, and that we do not suffer derangement of our emotions, we suffer derangement of our thinking. When someone suffers illness or even brain damage, their body works as a whole to restore their faculties to the best level of function it can manage. Does our thinking help you with that at all?

The healing is automatic, but there are things we can do to help the healing. If our thinking is in touch with reality, yes. Our senses remain in touch with reality, our organs remain in touch with reality, why is it that our thinking can lose touch with reality?

People tend to believe everything they hear and other people tend to lie. They believe thinking over perception, thinking over sensation. What leads us to give thinking so much importance? Is it that useful? I think the purpose of what we have been using to do what we call think is to develop and sustain understanding. Is understanding the same as thinking?

Thinking helps us make clothes, cook food, build shelters. Birds and insects build structures, even shelters.

Thinking can lead to understanding. I think understanding can lead to thinking, but in my experience no amount of my thinking has led to understanding. I have just gone in circles until through prolonged experience I came to a point of recognition, began to see a pattern. Is it different for others?

I have found that I understand something better than others if I have thought about it a lot. I can begin to understand a person’s motivations, how to fix something, or just tie a trash bag in a more efficient way. Well, perhaps I really do display a cognitive deficit as scientists describe it.

I will go ahead with my madness, and maybe there will be some useful method to it anyway.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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