Tag: ability

  • Power of Ability

    Power of Ability

    Ego thinks ‘I do’ and that by virtue of ‘myself‘ I must do everything. Thought is not self. Thought is process and we are “created in gods image”. All powerful. Which means we have the power of ability to do all things. Good or bad. We get caught up in the same thing. Ego is…

  • Response Ability

    Response Ability

    The world is very simple. So simple it seems to be hard for us to understand. Every physical science has as its bottom line patterns of action and rest. Any physical phenomenon works like this, and so do we. There is no such thing as a place without energy, or a time without energy for that…

  • Ability to Exist

    Ability to Exist

    Animism is a simple idea, and like a great many simple ideas, it’s meaning tends to elude many people. Animism is related to the word animate, and what it means is that everything that exists has the ability to exist because it is animate. The idea seems easy to dismiss when staring at a rock…

  • Relationship Between Knowledge and Ability

    Relationship Between Knowledge and Ability

    There is a popular saying, knowledge is power, but why do we believe this? Does knowing something really change our ability to act in the world directly? DO we believe it? I would offer that you likely do believe it. There are a good many spoken beliefs that people arrive at naturally. Perhaps another tack,…

  • Ability to Adapt

    Ability to Adapt

    Why do we want safety from social contact? Is that adaption? Perhaps adaption in an unhealthy way, but I prefer it many times. Removal from the environment is adaption to the environment? Denial is adaptive? Well, I want to get my looks out of the equation for a while. Many people are here (Second Life…

  • Ability to Notice

    Ability to Notice

    A lot of Chinese mythology contains references to geomantic influences. The roles being played by those figures may have been more a form of journalistic speculation than simple whimsical story telling. An effort to predict what led to an event as well as where it might lead from there. Angry people do things that make…

  • Array of Cognitive/Sub-cognitive Ability

    Array of Cognitive/Sub-cognitive Ability

    What is your familiarity with empathy? Being able to feel the emotions another is experiencing. Have you experienced feeling empathy? I believe so. I think only from an imagination perspective, not sure if I have literally. I do think it takes imagination, which is why some people are not good at it. The brain and…

  • Poorly Understood Ability

    Poorly Understood Ability

    Sync to the emotion and then shift yours in order to shift what or who you’re syncing with? Yes, and you will find many authorities, so to speak, on psychic healing, even the credible ones who will describe it more or less in the same way. Though they confine it to healing, it’s not that…