Tag: aging

  • What Is Aging?

    What Is Aging?

    I will start today’s topic on Aging with a question. It’s a question everyone seems to struggle with and matters very much for the purpose of understanding the topic. What is aging? Body decomposition. Maturing like a fine wine? Back pains. All are legitimate definitions. In fact, the concept is heavily open for interpretation, but…

  • Traits Of Aging

    Traits Of Aging

    Your body acquires the traits of aging in the same way that you acquire beliefs. Degenerative diseases. They stem from any of a collection of frustrations. I’ll use an example of aging. Back pain. It’s an adaptive response to either the literal practice of or the psychological focus on physical labour. It comes from a…

  • Directed Aging

    Directed Aging

    The acquisition of energy and thus manifest traits cannot be stopped, but its pacing can be controlled and its path directed, at least to a large degree. The direction aging will take you in is the same as it took you in when you were still physically immature. That model just gets more and more…

  • Aging Process

    Aging Process

    I will offer a definition of age. I offer that age is memory, and I mean memory as a principle, as a physical law. So then, why would age seem to be associated with disease? The longer you live, the more time you have to get sick. Perhaps the body’s ability to fight off germs…