Tag: crazy

  • Don’t Worry, Be Crazy

    Don’t Worry, Be Crazy

    The literal meaning of cult is a body of practices. Cult culture. The culture cult is a huge cult, and they fear cultists. Cultists are doing culture a huge favour. They need the cultists to believe their cult is sane, because culture and our educated thinking only seems stable in the contrast, not by itself.…

  • Crazy Inspiration

    Crazy Inspiration

    The biggest source of futility is actually “trying” and people try a lot. It’s huge in about every social circle. Futile is what logic is when you try to use it in place of creativity. That’s true. Logic is a form of trying, and usually very trying, especially if it’s supposed to replace experience. When…

  • Get Crazy

    Get Crazy

    Welcome. We are getting crazy here. Hmmm, deadly fire filled paint cans that can go the moon and blow you up in the process. That’s nuts. If you wanted to do that then given time and resources you would. But that is the balancing factor, desire. Those instincts that say “this is good for me”…

  • Weird and Crazy

    Weird and Crazy

    I’m pleased I kept my chest trouble under control during class. Your chest trouble? In my efforts to integrate the function of my hippocampus with my more conscious brain, I accidentally cross wired my attentional control with my autonomic rhythms. So when I concentrate, my bodies natural rhythms go into overdrive and it feels like…