Tag: dream

  • Dream Life

    Dream Life

    Do you ever dream of outer space? Or a vast open field? The sea? Daydream or sleep dream? Sleep dream. In daydreams you can do so freely of course, but your sleep dreams are another matter all together. So does anyone dream of the outdoors when they sleep? Oh yes! All the time! Well, most…

  • You Are The Dream

    You Are The Dream

    The reality we witness in the digital world is an accelerated reflection of the processes that precede human emotion, that occur before human ideation and imagination. Every bit of information you perceive in the internet, before you ever make a decision to do anything with it, before you are even aware that you remember it,…

  • Dream Experience

    Dream Experience

    Would you say your dreams are sane or something other than sane? I mean your experiences while asleep and dreaming. I don’t have vivid dreams that often but when I do they are kind of cartoonish. Well, what leads to your dreams are pressures exerted by your waking experience on your conscious mind. This is…