Tag: entities

  • Common Encounters With Psychic Entities

    Common Encounters With Psychic Entities

    Shall we discuss common encounters on this psychic level? First off, recall a time when you were in a very busy place with a lot of people in it. A busy mall might be best. You will recall all the sounds both positive, negative and neutral. More neutral and negative than positive though, which is…

  • Peace and Fear Entities

    Peace and Fear Entities

    There is a dependant identity that is created temporarily when people interact? There are even tertiary and semi-independent identities, and on an unconscious level you can detect identities that no single individual lays claim to. Identities that arise because of a collective perception of how even a “fictional” personality would behave, and it also forms…

  • Deranged Entities

    Deranged Entities

    There is a third point which I meant to speak of today. In extreme distress, the normative process becomes compromised. The two classes of entity cross pollinate to give rise to beings that show neither general quality clearly, and these remain just as active as the rest entities and the distress entities. Each of the…