Genuine Romance
I myself find people fascinating. In a sense that makes me a romantic, as I become very invested in the experience of human lives and the trials of their relationships and existence. One of the things my wife notices about me, and even sometimes seems to make her feel a bit uncomfy, is how interesting…
Genuine Interest In Self
With respect to altruism or egotism, we’d be better off just to forget both ideas altogether? They don’t serve anything? Well, people can’t really forget anything, and a lot of new agers become very discouraged from trying. What would be better to do is take a genuine interest in self. You exist in a world…
Experience of Genuine Love
Anyone care to share a situation that seems to drain meaning from life? It doesn’t have to be from personal experience or anything. Well, sometimes the people around me seem very “opinionated.” Having new comers to class that just want to argue. Turning away from true love to raise my family. I will speak to…
More Genuine Reality
Jera looks a bit like the yin yang symbol, yes? In Chinese philosophy the concept behind Jera would be synonymous to the Tao. Yes, a bit. It also looks like greater than / less than or not equal to. It also looks like a rectangle that has the half of two sides missing. All rune symbols…