Tag: geography

  • Power of Geography

    Power of Geography

    How to ready “geography” according to geomancy? They were primarily concerned with two things: mountains and rivers. The arrangement of mountain to river was the basic way of determining the healthiness of the energy there, and mountains and rivers have been the most important places in every other tradition too, even if they have slightly…

  • Geography Of Reality

    Geography Of Reality

    The subject is shadow people, but first, I think it’s necessary to describe the “geography” of reality. I don’t mean lands and landscape as we know it, but rather the truer shape of any of this. There will be a little science involved, and feel free to ask questions. Every “solid” object is just a…

  • Input from the Multiversal Geography

    Input from the Multiversal Geography

    Not everything that happens in the fish pond has anything to do with the fish. Consciousness is a shared field, and again it comes down to matters of scale, scope. There are presences and intelligences that are “bigger” than us, and there are exchanges of energy between not only individuals, but collective groups as well.…