Tag: happiness

  • Happiness Being

    Happiness Being

    We were all at one point happy. Literally all of us have been happy at least at one point in our lives. The reason being is that happiness is a natural state of being. It isn’t an emotion. It’s not a mood that comes and goes. Moodiness comes to replace happiness when we are taught…

  • Food Happiness

    Food Happiness

    Happiness isn’t uniform, nor is it supposed to be. I give my son spaghetti, and in the moment of eating it he will be quite happy. Give me spaghetti, and I likely will be unmoved though eating it. Give me good conversation over dinner though, and I am happy then. I’m largely unmoved by food,…

  • Can You Face Happiness?

    Can You Face Happiness?

    If I can face insanity, I can go beyond it and also understand others. But can you face happiness? I am not sure people can. It’s much more frightening than insanity. Shall I go into this? We experience happiness when our fear process is turning up baseline signals. We experience a sense of satisfaction with…