Tag: imaginative

  • Imaginative Resolution

    Imaginative Resolution

    Many people find the concept of resolution really confusing, or feel there is something wrong with them because it just doesn’t seem to work. It’s really pretty simple as most things are when you see the way of them. You resolve to do things all the time. It’s plain and simple decision making. Eat or don’t…

  • Fortune Favours the Imaginative

    Fortune Favours the Imaginative

    Imagine reality is a true democracy. Reality is like a woven tapestry. What do weavers do with hopelessly snarled threads? They just snip them away and start again. People like imperfections now. It shows the hand of the crafter. They like imperfections, and don’t care what they craft. They aren’t the only ones getting a vote. The…

  • Networking Reality

    Networking Reality

    A big part of why empathy suffers in today’s society is that they think they see the other’s view. But they put themselves into their own construct. That isn’t empathy. It’s actually pretty depersonalizing. They cannot even see themselves, feel for themselves. This is why they don’t see what they do. They don’t claim the…