Tag: influence

  • Influence of the Universe

    Influence of the Universe

    How exactly do these planetary bodies ‘plug in’ so to speak and influence me? They are large scope or macrocosmic influences, and as things move them they move literally everything else. Like how we have more storms during sunspot activity. So in astrology they seek to see these large scale forces on a human level.…

  • Influence the World Dream

    Influence the World Dream

    You say we don’t dictate the content of our dreams. I do feel as though it is possible to steer our personal dreams and allow them to take shape. My question is: How do we influence the world dream? You have the same ability of self will in dream as you do in the waking…

  • Influence Inner Vision

    Influence Inner Vision

    So shall we discuss gold magick as it pertains to awakening of the third eye? What ultimately gave rise to the age of reason, the eventual dominance of science? Vision. There wasn’t any money in it, and as much as it is true that gold magick is the force behind the coin of the realm,…

  • Influence Behind Obstacles

    Influence Behind Obstacles

    Let’s make this a little more experiential shall we? Understanding Ganesha can be easily approached by understanding the human history with elephants. In the pre-industrial age, elephants were really never a threat to humanity, and the cultures that learned to live with them even came to see them as beneficent allies. They never really domesticated…