Tag: insight

  • Astrology Insight

    Astrology Insight

    Isn’t astrology just the mathematical progression of the universe in its many forms? The insights gained can help us empower our own actions and avoid unnecessary episodes of resistance. They can help us move with the Tao of the universe itself, like a mantra, and even science says there are no closed systems. Astrology is…

  • Second Hand Insight

    Second Hand Insight

    Scientologists are selling the second hand insight, and require their parishioners to sign many legally binding forms before they can receive services. Their insights aren’t bogus, and in fact I encourage people myself to rephrase any insight they understand from another source. If it’s yours, it’s yours. Even in Christianity the Bible says that the…

  • Magical Insight

    Magical Insight

    The four states of matter themselves seem to exist in tension, seemingly destroying each other. But for water “destroying” fire (read “transform), there is no destruction. Destruction is not even possible. Now let’s apply this to impersonal conflict. Instinctively, we don’t make any choice for the purpose of destruction. The subconscious mind doesn’t even have…

  • Right Insight

    Right Insight

    As you incarnated, you took on the weight not only of your personal decision, but the weight of every spirit that ever made the same decision. A sort of shared karma. This is perhaps the origin of the concept of original sin. So as the Kabbalist seeks to ascend the sephiric states, they have to…